I'm a scientist interested in Earth's climate system. Most of my work is focussed on the oceans, their physics, biology, chemistry and variability on decadal to millennial time scales. I try to understand the causes for today's global deep overturning circulation, how and why it has changed in the past, how it may change in the future due to natural or human influences, how it impacts climate, ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles including isotopes. Click on the PROJECTS link above to find out more about current projects. I develop, improve, analyze, and use numerical (computer) models. The code I develop is available and free for everybody to download and use. Click on the MODELS link above or contact me if you're interested. Here is an interview about my life and career as part of OSU's Voices of a Warming Planet project.

Just Published

  • Schmittner, A., and N. J. Fillman
    Carbon and Carbon-13 in the Preindustrial and Glacial Ocean
    PLOS Climate, 3(7): e0000434, doi: 10.1371/journal.pclm.0000434.
  • Committment to Inclusion Statement

    I believe that different perspectives and backgrounds contribute to a better understanding of our world and of the climate system. For this reason, I value a diverse research team and encourage the expression of different points of view, particularly of voices that have historically been suppressed or underrepresented in climate science. Coming from Germany, I know how much damage hate can produce, but I also know that people can change, reject hate, and embrace an inclusive and supportive community for everybody. However, I also believe that words are not enough and that we must continuously strive towards a more inclusive world. Specific activities regarding diversity and inclusion are listed here.